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FCC Issues & Programs

FCC Public Inspection File

     For assistance with the content of the FCC Public Inspection File, please contact the station at; 501.745.4474 or 1.800.844.5435.

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SID:  07/05/22  David Deaton SID:  06/16/22  Dale James, Richard Grant SID:  09/06/22  David Deaton SID: 08/22/22  Teacher Mrs. Hutchinson and daughter SID: 08/18/22 Dale James, Judy Wells 911 FFB SID: 08/02/22  David Deaton Ozark Health Administrator SID: 07/21/22  Dale James, Warren Johnson OEM


    Various tidbits from our hours on air!

    Look around, you never know what you might find!

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